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  • #11041

    Hello, very interesting technology from Forever!
    I’m new and ask a few questions.
    I have a printer OKI C841. It is colored, but without white toner.
    1. Transfer RIP only for OKI printers with white toner?
    I can not rasterize images on my OKI C841 color LED (without white toner)?
    2. Can I, on this principle, work with Laserlight paper (not cut)? I understand that the drawing should be without white.
    3. With which papers can Forever work for OKI C841?
    Flex Soft (not cut) …
    Thank you very much in advance!!!


    Dear SpaceAveiro,

    TransferRIP is especially made for White Toner Printers of OKI.
    Rasterizing won’t work with your CMYK Printer.
    Laser-Light (No-Cut) is also only for White Toner Printers.
    You can use Laser-Transparent (No Background), which is similar to Laser-Light (No-Cut). But you can only use colors with a minimum toner value fo 100% or more.
    Of course all Flex-Soft (No-Cut) colors are working fine with your printer.
    Also all products which you can see on


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