May I ask what heat press you are using? I have a stahls stx20 auto clam and used forever products. I was happy and did not find the washability to be as bad as you are saying. I bought and upgraded to a Stahls fusion swing away press as I needed another press so thought why not and well the difference is night and day to tell you the truth and it seems to be all down to consistent pressure over the whole platen area. The clam shell is a good press but the swing away is perfect I was a little shocked as I don’t have any 0% failed a-b marring issues and 0% pressing to garments issues. I am really happy with the washability and with the testing I have done have always come out above expectation. One thing I will say follow the instructions check your platen heat is set right and not just to the digital read out. Pressure is a big factor in my opinion but thats just what I think.